Dear Jewish Senior Film Buffs, Please mark your calendars and save the date! On Sunday, April 26, 2009 At 4:30 p.m. we will meet again to view The Governess.
1998, 114 minutes – Reviews, by Harvey Karten & Susan Granger
In her fictionalized tale of Britain's first female photographer, writer/director Sandra Goldbacher fashions a romantic drama set in Victorian England. Minnie Driver plays the daughter of a once-wealthy Jewish merchant who leaves her sheltered Sephardic community in London when her father is murdered and the family suffers a financial crisis. Suffering the stigma of anti-Semitism, she poses as a Protestant in order to get a position as a governess on the bleak, remote Scottish island of Skye. Minnie Driver finally has the role of her career, one that utilizes her considerable acting talent. The sound track of Sephardic songs is mesmerizing, as is the rest of the picture.
DATE: April 26, 2009
PLACE: Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., (Hamilton Rm.) Costa Mesa, 92627, just south of 19th Street, to the left of the library.
COST: $13.00/includes deli dinner and fruits RSVP: (949) 721-9800
Actress, Sorrell Wayne will share nuggets about the film, and the movie industry at that time.
LAST MINUTE CALLS: (949) 903-0770